Infant and Toddler Children

Curriculum Goals

Infants (0-12 months)


Motor: Encouraged to meet developmental milestones by providing the space for movement activities.

Language: Encouraged to repeat sounds and respond to their name. Sign language is introduced.

Science/Math: Encouraged to use five senses to discover the world around them.

Creativity: Children are introduced to paint and crayons, while closely supervised. Music is played at various times throughout the day.


Curriculum Goals

Toddlers (12-24 months)


Motor: Provide opportunities to strengthen their muscles through movement activities and promote hand eye coordination.

Language: Encouraged to increase vocabulary, repeat words, and enjoy books/stories.

Science/Math: Introduced to names of colors, shapes, and animals. Children will continue to discover the world around them through their five senses.

Creativity: Under close supervision, children are provided with materials to create their own "masterpieces".

Social/Self Help: Encouraged to make their needs and feelings known through sharing and turn taking. Family style serving is introduced during meals.  


Curriculum Goals



Motor: Provide opportunities to strengthen their muscles through running, jumping, and kicking. Promote hand eye coordination by stacking, stringing, and matching objects.

Language: Children are encouraged to talk to others during play, tell their own stories, and enjoy and care for books. 

Science/Math: Children are introduced to counting 1-10 and develop problem solving skills through use of puzzles.

Creativity: Children are provided opportunities to mimic real life through dramatic play.

Social/Self Help: Children are encouraged to use manners and follow directions. Potty training is introduced when children are ready.*


*2-year-olds are prepared for a structured preschool setting by introducing learning centers and encouraging child-initiated play.